Contribute photos!

Send me pictures of yourself, your friends, or random people you see on the street dressed steampunkish for anything that isn't a steampunk event (shopping, school, work, rock concerts, etc.). I need the following from each person pictured:

Your first name or nickname and age

Where you're from

Brands and where you got your clothes

The point of your outfit

Where you wore it

Whether or not you had heard of steampunk before wearing it

Your current obsession

Permission to publish your image and information here on this blog and in a possible future book compilation (I will not use it in any other way)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Laura 23, California

point of fashion: making a too-short shirt wearable
wore it: to a performance of Peter Pan at the community college
heard of steampunk: yes
current obsession: preparing for our upcoming steampunk Halloween party and dressing up

camisole: Solar; bought in a boutique in L.A.

jacket: California Costume Collections shirt modified by me
skirt: Talbots; thrifted
earrings: handmade by me
necklaces: bought from vendors at the State Fair and a craft fair at the community college
boots: Funtasma; bought online

Friday, April 1, 2011

Laura 23, California

point of fashion: black and bling
wore it: to my brother's college graduation
heard of steampunk: yes
current obsession:  making steampunk things

dress: thrifted
jacket: don't remember pants: tux pants I bought when I was in the Sacramento Children's Chorale
hat: thrifted
earrings: bought in Solvang
shoes: bought for my high school choir