Contribute photos!

Send me pictures of yourself, your friends, or random people you see on the street dressed steampunkish for anything that isn't a steampunk event (shopping, school, work, rock concerts, etc.). I need the following from each person pictured:

Your first name or nickname and age

Where you're from

Brands and where you got your clothes

The point of your outfit

Where you wore it

Whether or not you had heard of steampunk before wearing it

Your current obsession

Permission to publish your image and information here on this blog and in a possible future book compilation (I will not use it in any other way)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Laura 20, California

point of fashion: brown
wore it: on a date to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in theatres
ever heard of steampunk?  This was back in 2007, so if I had it would have been only recently.
current obsession: my boyfriend
top: from a sample sale in Los Angeles
sweater: A.M.I.
jeans: thrifted
chain: don't remember
watch: from a department store
shoes: Timberland

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